=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- title: 100 Days to Offload date: 2022-03-20 10:50:40 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You know what I like? Arbitrary challenges. - Journaling every day? Done. - Create an aggressively backwards compatible website? Let's do it. - Read one book every week until you die? Sign me up. There's something about a goalpost that has no reason to exist except _to exist_ that motivates me in a way that important things like deadlines, due dates, and appointments generally fail to do. Which is why the 100 Days to Offload [0] challenge really speaks to me. ## The Rules In case you are unfamiliar with the challenge, here are the rules: > - This needs to be done on a personal blog, not a corporate blog. If you don’t have a personal blog, you can sign up for a free one at Write.as. > - There is no specific start date. Your 100 posts can start or end whenever you want them to. > - Publish 100 new posts in the space of a year. > - There are no limits to what you can post about – write about whatever interests you. Seeing as I've got a personal blog and a motivation to write on it a _hell_ of a lot more, this is right up my alley. ## Ready. Set. Go. Now, I should mention that I won't be following the trend of tagging the articles for the challenge. I think it's safe to assume that any article published between now and *\*checks watch\** March 20th, 2023 will apply to the designated total. And, because it doesn't feel very sporting otherwise, this article will be considered #0 in the series. 100 fresh posts; about two a week for the next 52 weeks. That's the goal, and that's what I'm going to shoot for. --- [0]: https://100daystooffload.com/ --- EOF