=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- title: Jekyll Is Good Enough date: 2023-11-11 00:00:00 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This blog has undergone an insane amount of change in the 15 years that I've operated it. From whole grain, hand-cut HTML to **WordPress** to **Tumblr** to **Medium**, I've experimented with just about every blog platform and provider you can think of, but it wasn't until I landed on Jekyll [0] that my journey of finding the *"right"* platform ended. It's not that Jekyll is perfect. Far from it, in fact. Liquid templates are a pain in the ass, and the plugin architecture leaves a lot to be desired, but it gets the job done and ultimately churns out a reliable, consistent static website that looks and feels the way _I_ want it to. I've seen a lot of posts across the blogiverse (blogosphere?) about people moving their entire blog infrastructure over to Eleventy [1], or rolling their own static site generator, and while I enjoy reading their journeys, I've found that I'm perfectly happy with the tooling that I have. It's not sexy. It's not even very modern (by 2023 standards), but it works; and at this point in my life, I'm starting to understand what our dads meant when they used to say _"if it ain't broke, don't fix it."_ --- [0]: https://jekyllrb.com/ [1]: https://www.11ty.dev/ --- >> This is post 002 of #100DaysToOffload EOF