
PHP Binary Search Tree Implementation

A Binary Search Tree is an ordered binary tree that has the following rules:

  • The left subtree always contains nodes that have a value less than the current node.
  • The right subtree always contains nodes that have a value greater than the current node.
  • Each subtree must also be binary trees ordered in the same way.
  • There can be no duplicate nodes.

This is a quick PHP implementation of a binary search tree. It is fairly simplistic in design, providing insert, delete, and search functionality, and is based off of my Linked List implementation. The usual call for review and bug fixes stands here.


class Node {
	public $level = 1;
	public $data = NULL;
	public $left = NULL;
	public $right = NULL;

	public function __construct($data = NULL) {
		$this->data = $data;

class BinarySearchTree {
	private $_topNode = NULL;
	private $_count = 0;
	private $_height = 1;

	 * Insert a value into the tree.
	public function insert($data = NULL) {
		$newNode = new Node($data);

		if ( $this->_topNode === NULL ) {
			$this->_topNode = &$newNode;
		} else {
			$current = $this->_topNode;

			while ( $current !== NULL ) {
				if ( $data < $current->data ) {

					if ( $current->left !== NULL ) {
						$current = $current->left;
					} else {
						$current->left = $newNode;
				} else if ( $data > $current->data ) {

					if ( $current->right !== NULL ) {
						$current = $current->right;
					} else {
						$current->right = $newNode;
				} else {


	 * Delete a node from the tree.
	 * Source: http://www.algolist.net/Data_structures/Binary_search_tree/Removal
	public function delete($data = NULL) {
		$direction = NULL;
		$parent = NULL;
		$current = $this->_topNode;

		while ( $current !== NULL ) {
			if ( $data < $current->data ) {
				if ( $current->left !== NULL ) {
					$parent = $current;
					$direction = 'left';
					$current = $current->left;
				} else {
					return FALSE;
			} else if ( $data > $current->data ) {
				if ( $current->right !== NULL ) {
					$parent = $current;
					$direction = 'right';
					$current = $current->right;
				} else {
					return FALSE;
			} else {
				if ( $current->left === NULL && $current->right === NULL ) {
					if ( $parent !== NULL && $direction !== NULL ) {
						$parent->$direction = NULL;
					} else {
						$this->_topNode = NULL;
				} else if ( $current->right !== NULL && ($current->left === NULL || $current->right->left === NULL) ) {
					if ( $parent !== NULL && $direction !== NULL ) {
						$parent->$direction = $current->right;
					} else {
						$this->_topNode = $current->right;
				} else {
					$current->data = $this->popLeftmost($current->right);


				return TRUE;

	 * Search the tree for a given value.
	public function search($data = NULL) {
		$current = $this->_topNode;

		while ( $current !== NULL ) {
			if ( $data < $current->data ) {
				if ( $current->left !== NULL ) {
					$current = $current->left;
				} else {
					return FALSE;
			} else if ( $data > $current->data ) {
				if ( $current->right !== NULL ) {
					$current = $current->right;
				} else {
					return FALSE;
			} else {
				return $current;

	 * Return the size of the tree.
	public function size() {
		return $this->_count;

	 * Traverse down the left side of a node and pop the node off
	 * of the tree, returning the value.
	private function popLeftmost(&$node) {
		$parent = NULL;
		$current = $node;

		while ( $current->left !== NULL ) {
			$parent = $current;
			$current = $current->left;

		$parent->left = NULL;
		$data = $current->data;

		return $data;


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